Educational Qualification
M.Sc Statistics ( MG University Kottayam)
NET Statistics ( UGC CSIR)
M.Tech Statistics ( CUSAT)
Ph.D Statistics ( CUSAT)
Employment History
Asst. Professor at Government College, Munnar(29-11-2006
to 04-06-2008)
Asst. Professor at Government Victoria College, Palakkad(05-06-2008
to 03-06-2009)
Asst. Professor at Maharaja's College, Ernakulam(04-06-2009
to 29-09-2019)
Associate Professor at Maharaja's College, Ernakulam(30-09-2019
to 29-09-2022)
Professor at Maharaja's College, Ernakulam(30-09-2022
Present Responsibilities
Research Committee - Committee Member
NIRF - Co-ordinator / Convenor
Board of Studies, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam - Committee Member
Committee of Statisticians, KEAM, Govt. of Kerala - Committee Member
Board of Studies, Sacred Heart College, Thevara - Committee Member
Teaching Interest
Time Series Analysis
Multivariate Analysis
Linear Algebra
Research Interest
Reliability Theory
Statistical Inference
Survival Analysis
Information Theory
Doctoral Thesis Under Supervision
Statistical Inference for Some Measures of System Relaibility
Statistical Inference for Some Measures of Similarity
Doctoral Thesis Under Supervised
Nonparametric Estimation of the Average Availability, N. Balakrishna, Angel Mathew, Communication in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 38, 1207-1218, 2009
Sequential interval estimation of the limiting interval availability for a bivariate stationary dependent sequence, N. Balakrishna, Angel Mathew, Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 46, 185-196, 2012
System availability behavior of some stationary dependent sequences, Angel Mathew, Statistics and Probability Letters, 84, 17-21, 2014
Nonparametric Estimation of the Interval Reliability, Angel Mathew, N. Balakrishna, Journal of Statistical Theory and Application, 13, 356-366, 2014
Nonparametric Estimation of the Limiting Interval Reliability for Stationary Dependent Sequences, Angel Mathew, N. Balakrishna, Journal of Mathematics and Statistical Science, 4, 45-53, 2018
Spatial variation of trace element concentration and contamination assessment in the coral reef sediments of Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean, Anu Joy, Anoop P P, Rajesh R, Jose Mathew, Angel Mathew, Anu Gopinath, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146, 106-116, 2019
Spatial variation of phosphorus fractionation in the coral reef sediments of Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean, Anu Joy, Anoop P P, Rajesh R, Jose Mathew, Angel Mathew, Anu Gopinath, Chemistry and Ecology, 35(7), 592-612, 2019
Biochemical composition of sedimentary organic matter in the coral reefs of Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean, Anu Joy, Anoop P P, Rajesh R, Jose Mathew, Angel Mathew, Anu Gopinath, Chemistry and Ecology, 35(9), 805-824, 2019
Spatial variability of biochemical composition in coral reef sediments of Kavaratti and Pitti Islands, Lakshadweep Archipelago, Anu Joy, Anoop P P, Rajesh R, Angel Mathew, Anu Gopinath, Indian Journal of Geo-marine Sciences, 48(3), 369-378, 2019
Geochemical fractionation of trace elements in the coral reef sediments of the Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean, Anu Joy, Anoop P P, Rajesh R, Jose Mathew, Angel Mathew, Anu Gopinath, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 158, 106-116, 2020
Stress-strength reliability: a quantile approach, Angel Mathew, Deepa K R, Statistics, 56(1), 206-221, 2022
Quantile-based overlap measures, Angel Mathew, Chinu Joseph, Ricerche di Matematica, 73, 1919-1936, 2022
Quantile cumulative distribution function and its applications, Angel Mathew, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 53, 4194-4206, 2024