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A daycare centre is functioning inside the campus to take care of infants and children of the staff of the college during day time.  Its working hours are fixed from 9.15 am to 4.30 pm. With two rooms, it is furnished and equipped with toys and books for entertainment and education.  A female caretaker is deputed to take care of children in the centre.        




A Child Care Centre (CCC) in a college campus is becoming a crucial part in the assessment of the quality of the institution. Every institution prospers mainly on account of the quality of its human capital. Human capital of an educational institution comprises of its faculty, students and other non-teaching staff of the College, amongst which a majority has a double role to play-one is career related and the other is family related. Child rearing is the most important familial responsibility that people has to deal with. Working people normally have to go for arrangements for baby care/child care. Finding a good quality child care centre is always a challenge for working parents. It will become worse during the period of emergencies. Safety of the children left at day care centres is also a matter of concern of the parents. Leaving children at home is also impossible for lone living parents who are working full time. All the above mentioned aspects put immense pressure on working parents that leads to deteriorating quality of labour at work place. This is more serious when an educational institution is considered because there takes place the grooming of the generations. A CCC inside the campus eases the pressure of the working parents as their kids are there in immediate vicinity. Moreover, kids also feel comfortable with near presence of their own ones. A CCC in the campus can enhance the efficiency of the human resource of the institution. Quality rating of the institution also will be enhanced by tapping the human potential to the maximum by taking care of their familial responsibilities and concerns too. HENCE MAHARAJA’S DAYCARE CENTRE.



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