Central Library
The library is the key resource of information in any academic institution .The library of Maharaja’s College started to function in 1875 with the birth of college, consisting of Department Libraries, Language Library and General library. The Central library of Maharaja’s College with the collections of twenty Department Libraries, Language Library and General Library started to function in the New Library Complex on 15th December 2023. Central Library is a three storied building with an area of 4097 Square Metre. Library has a collection of more than 1.5 Lakhs of printed books and has facility to access e- books and e-journals. The library is automated with Library management software KOHA. Library has institutional digital repository using D Space. The seating capacity of library is more than 500. Lift facility is provided. CCTV surveillance and Flap gate entry provided additional security in the library. Library activities are monitored by Library Advisory Committee.

Library Staff:
UGC Librarian: |
Libraraian Grade IV: |
Alcy Antony- ( BLISc )
Library Assistants: |
1. Binoy. C.
2.Vinod. K. M.
3.Ramesh .P. B.
4.Vasanthan. K. K. |

Ground Floor:
Visitor’s Lounge, Board Room, Circulation Counter, Reference Section, Newspaper & periodical Section, Technical Section, Studio for Differently Abled, Reprography, Stack Room -1
First Floor:
Faculty & Research Scholars Reading Room-2, Stack Room, Server Room, Multimedia Hall & Reading Area and Staff Room.
Second Floor:
Faculty & Research Scholars Reading Room, Stack Room -3 (Archives), Digital Library & Reading Area.

Working Hours
9.30AM to 4.30PM on all working days.
Students, Staff and Research Scholars of Maharaja’s College are eligible to become the members of library. Reference service is provided to research scholars and academicians from outside on request.

Library Services:
- Lending Service
- Current Awareness Service
- Reference service: Long range & Ready Reference Service
- OPAC - Online public Access Catalogue
- In - house / remote access to e-resources (Inflibnet facility)
- User orientation and Awareness
- Reprography
Library Rules:
- All the staff & students of the college are members of the college library.
- Members are not allowed to enter inside the library with their personnel belongings. They have to keep their belongings at the property counter.
- Use of mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside the library.
- Strict silence should be maintained inside the library.
- Periodicals, Newspapers and Reference Books will not be lent out.
- Books will be issued for a period of 14 days and renewal is possible for a further period of seven days if no one else has applied for the same books. Absence from college will not be accepted as an excuse for not returning the books in time. Any book can be recalled at any time by the Librarian even if the period of loan has not expired. Fine of Rs.1/- will be levied for overdue books. Books borrowed for use during Onam, Christmas and Summer vacations should be returned not later than third day after the reopening of the college.
- Sub-lending and transferring of books to other person’s name are not allowed.
- Borrowers are responsible for loss and damage of the book taken out on loan or consultation by them. They are strictly prohibited from marking or writing of remarks etc., tearing of the pages, pictures etc.
- If any book is lost or damaged or mutilated the borrower shall be required to replace the book with fine.
- If a book belonging to a set or series is lost and new volume is not separately available, the borrower shall be required to replace the whole set or series.
- Before leaving the counter, borrower shall examine the book taken by him/her and point out any mutilation or defect etc. noted in the book and initialled by him, otherwise the borrower will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation observed at the time of return.
- Smoking, sleeping, consumption of drinks, food items and indecorous behaviour are prohibited inside the Library.
- On leaving the library all users are required to produce the books and other items taken from the library for inspection.
