All students are advised to get themselves enrolled as members of the society, and held in the
realization of the objects explained hereunder to their own obvious advantages as well as to
the advantage of fellow students of the college.
The object of the society is:-
a) The encouragement of thrift and self help
b) The purchase of the College requisites and other necessary for retail to the members, the
caring on in common for the benefit of the members of the society, of the trade of general
dealers and the establishment and the conduct of co-operative principles and such other
lines of work of departments of business as may from time to time be resolved upon by the
general body of members;
c) The dissemination of the knowledge of co-operative principles and their realization as far
as practicable; and
d) The conducting of such other activities as is incidental or conductive to the attainment of
the above objects