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Maharaja’s College has become the largest research centre under M.G University with 18 research departments.The Department of Economics has been a research centre since April 2002.Now it has become one of the largest research department in Maharaja’s College with six research supervising guides and 18 Ph.D holders.  The Department of Economics offer Doctoral programmes in Economics in major areas such as Financial Economics, Industrial Economics, health economics, Environment Economics, Migration, Fisheries Economics, Labour Economics, gender economics, Demography, Educational Economics, Agricultural Economics.Research scholars have publications in various international and UGC care list publications.

Major achievements of scholars: Shika Ramesh, research scholar in the department is a nominee for the author of best article Dr.Gadgil memorial Annual Prize for the most outstanding article published in Arth Vijnana 2020.




List of Research Guides and Ph.D Produced

(As on January 2021)



1. Prof. Dr. (Rtd.)Visakha Varma G


2. Prof. Dr. (Rtd.) Martin Patrik


3. Prof. Dr. (Rtd.) S. Muraleedharan


4. Dr. Sunilkumar S. Menon


5. Dr. Nisha K.R.


6. Dr. Nishanthi P.U


Number of Ph. D produced    : 18

Number of research scholars: 10 (Females – 8, Males-2; All part time)

Thesis submitted: 4

Research Journals


The department subscribes to the following international journals and database for research and analysis.

  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2018 Edition (Print and online versions).
  • Indiastat database on Indian Economy.
  • The following database on Indian Economy from Economic and Political Weekly Research foundation (EPWRF).
  • National Accounts Statistics of India
  • Domestic product of State of India
  • Price Indices
  • Agricultural and Industrial Statistics
  • External Sector statistics
  • Financial markets
  • Finances of Government of India and state governments


List of Research Scholars as on 31 August 2024

Supervising Teacher Sl. No. Name of the scholar Year of regn.
Dr. Jayasree Paul
Associate professor
Panampilly Memorial Government College
1 Arun KL 2022
2 Asha Mariam Thomas  2022
3 Revathi S Kumar 2023
Dr. Nishanthi PU
Associate professor
Maharajas College
1 SUBBAIYA  M. 2021
3 Veenaa Jaykumar 2017
Nisha K R
Assistant Professor
Govt. College
1 Manju Rajan 2021
2 Nino Baby 2021
3 Devika Gopan 2021