NAAC Previous Certificates
2000 2006 2013 2018 (extension)
NAAC Co-ordination team Co Ordinator
Dr. Joby Varghese Assistant Professor Politics
Dr.Suja N R Associate Professor Chemistry
Sri. Sujith P Assistant Professor Statistics
Dr. Jayaprabha C.S. Assistant Professor Hindi
Sri. Rejimon P.K. Assistant Professor Chemistry
Dr. Syamkumar S. Assistant Professor Botany
Dr. Hamsa K. Assistant Professor Arabic
Dr. P.K. Sreekumar Assistant Professor English
Dr. Meera Gopal Assistant Professor Chemistry
Smt. Jumanath P.J. Assistant Professor Politics
Smt. Jaya Augustine Assistant Professor Maths
1.2.1 - New cources introduced
1.3.2 - Total number of value added course offered by college during last five years
1.3.3 - Number of students enrolled in value added courses
1.3.4 - Students undertaking field projects/internship
2.1.2 - Number of seats available year wise during last five years
2.1.3 - Number of actual students admitted from reserved categories year wise during last five years
2.2.2 - Teacher student ratio during last five years
2.2.3 - Differently-abled students
2.3.2 - Teachers using ICT facilities
2.4.2 - Number of teachers with Ph.D. during last five years
2.4.3 - Total experience of full-time teachers for AY 2018-19
2.4.4 - Teachers received awards, recoganisation
2.4.5 - Number of teachers from other states during last five years
2.5.1 - Average days required for publishing result after end semester examination
2.5.2 - Revaluation / challenge valuation complaints received
2.5.3 - Number of revaluation / challenge valuation
2.5.5 - Status of automation of examination division
3.1.2 - Financial support by the government college for research and projects
3.1.4 - Institutional facilities
3.3.3 - Number of awards won by the college during the last five academic years
3.4.1 - Policy on Ethical Practices
3.4.2 - Policy to incentivize teachers who win awards
3.4.5 - Number of research papers published by teachers
3.5.2 - Revenue generated from consultancy
3.6.2 - Number of awards and recognition received
3.6.3 - Extension and outreach activities
3.6.4 - Students participation in extension activities
3.7.1 - Number of collaborative activities for the research
3.7.2 - Number of linkages- internship- on job training-project etc.
4.2.3 - e-resources in library
4.2.5 - Remote access to library
4.3.2 - Student –computer ratio
4.4.1 - Expenditure incurred on the maintenance of physical facilities
5.1.3 - capabillity enhancement programmes
5.1.4 - Students Benifited by guidence for competitive examinations and career councelling
5.1.6 - Redressal of students grievances
5.2.2 - Students progression to higher studies
5.2.3 - Students who qualified in State/National/International level examinations
5.3.1 - Number of Awards/ Medals in sports and cultural activities
5.3.3 - Number of sports and cultural activities at the institutional level
5.4.2 - Fund received from the Alumni
6.2.3 - e-governance initiative
6.3.3 - Number of professional development/administrative training programs
6.3.4 - Teachers attended professional development programes
6.5.4 - Quality assurance initiatives
7.1.1 - Gender equity programmmes
7.1.3 - Annual power requirement
7.1.4 - Annual lighting power requirement
7.1.8 - Expenditure on green initiative and waste management
7.1.9 – Facilities provided for differently-abled persons
7.1.14 - Programmes related to national identity
7.1.17 - Activities conducted for promoting universal values
Extended Profile
1.1 - Number of students admitted year-wise during last five years
1.2 - Number of final year outgoing students year wise during last five years
1.3 - Number of students appeared for examination year wise during last five years
1.4 - Number of revaluation/challenge valuation application received during academic year 2018-19
2.1 - List of courses offered across all programs during last five years
2.2 - Number of full time teachers during last five years
2.3 - Faculty sanctioned strength
3.1 - Number of applications received for the admission during academic year 2018-19
3.3 - Number of class rooms and seminar halls
3.4 Number of computers available
3.5 - Total expenditure of college excluding salary year wise during last five years