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Educational Qualification

  • B.Sc Zoology ( M G Unvty)
  • M.Sc Zoology ( M G UNVTY)
  • MBA Management ( ANNA UNVTY)
  • NET Zoology ( CSIR UGC)
  • Ph.D Zoology ( CUSAT)
  • Employment History

  • Research at KAU, Mannuthy(16-02-1996 to 22-02-1997)
  • Lecturer at GOVT COLLEGE MADAPPALLY(19-07-1995 )
  • Lecturer at NSS HINDU COLLEGE, CHANGANASSERY(24-02-1997 to 20-06-2001)
  • Lecturer at VARIOUS GOVT COLLEGES(21-06-2001 to 08-09-2020)
  • Associate Professor at MAHARAJAS COLLEGE, ERNAKULAM(09-09-2020 )
  • Present Responsibilities

  • Internal Examination Committee - Co-ordinator / Convenor
  • I MSc - Class Tutor
  • Teaching Interest

  • Biochemistry
  • Developmental Biology
  • Physiology
  • Research Interest

  • Environmental quality
  • Impact assessment
  • Remediation
  • Exploitation of bioresources
  • Doctoral Thesis Under Supervision

    Doctoral Thesis Under Supervised


  • Metallothionein or metallothionein like proteins and heavy metal detoxification in Oreochromismossambicus (Peters), Rema.L.P. and Babu Philip, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.34, ., 527 – 530, 1996
  • Accumulation of an essential metal (Zinc) and a nonessential metal (mercury) in different tissues of Oreochromismossambicus (Peters), Rema.L.P.and Babu Philip, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.35, 1111-1113, 1997
  • Heterophil lymphocyte ratio as a measure of stress in two strains of chicken, N Vijayan and Rema.L.P, Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28, 37-38, 1997
  • Hormone profile associated with pathological conditions of the reproductive system in white leghorns, N Vijayan and Rema.L.P, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advances in Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology, --, 163, 1998
  • 6. Histological observation of cysts in the pituitary in egg-bound condition of layers, N Vijayan and Rema.L.P, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advances in Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology, --, 163, 1998
  • Effects of heavy metals on some metabolically important enzymes of Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), Rema.L.P. and Babu Philip, Fishery Technology, 36(5), 8-12, 1999
  • Comparative studies on the stability of lysosomal membranes from mollusc, fish and mammal, Rema.L.P and Babu Philip, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Aquaculture, Harvest and Post Harvest Technology and Ecosystem Management, --, 74-44, 2000
  • Studies on the role of Ninhydrin positive substances in adaptation to salinity stress in Anabas testudineus, Rema.L.P, Journal of Zoological Society of Kerala, 13(1 &2), 15-20, 2010
  • Comparative studies on the lysosomal lability index of three animals belonging to different phyla, Rema.L.P. and Babu Philip, Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 53(1), 135-138, 2011
  • Effect of zinc & mercury on the lysosomal membrane stability of Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, Rema.L.P, Nature, Environment &Pollution Technology, 10(3), 423-426, 2011
  • Effect of mercury and zinc ury on some metabolically important enzymes of Oreochromis mossambicus, Rema.L.P and babu Philip, Indian Journal of GeoMarine Sciences, 41(4), 377-380, 2012
  • Studies on the efficiency of various plant extracts in encountering the toxic effect of mercury on Oreochromis mossambicus, Rema.L.P and Mary Sabitha, Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology, 11(3), 381-384, 2012
  • Comparison of antimicrobial activity of medicinal plant extracts with a commercial Antibiotic, Nayana Gopal and rema.L.P, Scientia, 8(1), 117-123, 2012
  • Vehicles – A menace which geometrically magnifies the air pollution and a major cause of climate change- A cross sectional study of Kochi, Rema.L.P, Jayakrishnan J Pai, Prasanth M and Rahul M, International Conference on Climate Change and the Developing World organised by CMS College, Kottayam in association with KSBB and KSCSTE, -, 119-125, 2015
  • Antimicrobial resistance pattern of Salmonella isolated from marine fish sample, Seby Sam and Rema.L.P, Abstract of 26 th Swadeshi Science Congress – A national seminar on Blue Growth, held at CMFRI, -, LS 40, 2016
  • A Review on the influence of injudicious use of vehicles on climatic pattern, Rema.L.P, Scientia, 14(1), 16-20, 2018
  • Histopathological impact of acetaminophen on kidney of Oreochromis niloticus (nile tilapia)., Rema.L.P.and Liji C B, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9(14), 621-630, 2020
  • Impact of mobile radiation on the cell proliferation in Allium cepa and a potential antidote Carica papaya, Rema.L.P, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Technology,, 9(12), 11254-11258, 2020
  • Effect of selected biological and non-biological agents on the cytoproliferation in the root tip cells of Allium cepa, Rema.L.P, IAR Journal of Agriculture Research and Life Sciences, 1(6), 176-179, 2021
  • Fishery in the context of sustainable development: survey on the fishing gears used for the riverine fishery in Alappuzha of Kerala, Rema.L.P, International Academic Journal of Applied Bio-Medical Sciences,, 1(2), 75-81, 2020
  • Co author of A multidisciplinary Reference book for Universities and Malayali Diaspora, 2012, Rema.L.P, International Institute for Scientific and Academic Collaboration, Inc., New Jersey, USA, Vol 2, 863-874, 2012
  • Co author KERALA ECOLOGY, Rema.L.P, Zoological Society Study material published by Zoological Society of Kerala., -, 2013
  • Musueum, Rema.L.P, Maharaajakeeyam Smaranika, -, 86-87, 2016
  • Applied Biotechnology, Rema.L.P, MJP Publishers , Chennai, -, 2006 ,ISBN No. 8180940128.
  • Mammals, Rema.L.P, MJP Publishers, Chennai, -, 2012 ,ISBN No. 9788180941009,.