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Our department has been fortunate enough to pipeline a number of illustrious and renowned alumni in many walks of life. Till date more than 3500 students graduated from the department.

The famous poet Sri. Vyloppilly Sreedhara Menon was the student of the first batch who came out in 1927. An alumna of next batch was Smt Kalianikkutty Amma who won the national award for best high school teacher in 1967.

Sri. Ramunni Menon, former Vice Chancellor of Madras University is the alumnus of the Department of Zoology.   He did his research in Germany and on completion of his doctoral works, he donated to the department, the entire collection of valuable books on Parasitology, in a wooden almirah, which is still there in our department.

Dr.Vyloppilly Balakrishna Menon is the oldest alumnus living today. He joined the department in 1938. He was arrested for participating in the famous Quit India Movement and was given TC from the college for that reason. He was imprisoned for this reason for many years. He was a senior scientist with CMFRI

Sri. Purushothama Pai, a play back singer, Justice Usha Sukumaran, Justice.K.G.Balakrishnan, Justice Pious Kuriakose, Prof. N. Appukkuttan, Dr.S.Balakrishna Pai (Director of Instructional Laboratories, Senior Academic Professional, Wallace H. Coulter Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Emory University, Georgia), Dr. Mohan K Abraham (Professor & Head at the Department of Paediatric Surgery, School of Medicine, Amrita School of Medical Sciences, Kochi. The doctor behind the first open fetal surgery, the first of its kind in Asia to treat complex and rare fetal conditions), Dr.A.Gopalakrishnan, Director, CMFRI, Kochi, Dr.P.Jayasankar , Principal Scientist, CMFRI, Dr. Satish, ZSI, Chennai, Dr. Vegesna Radha Senior Scientist, CCMB, Hyderabad….the list of prestigious alumni who spreaded the glory of the Department far and wide does not end ……

Sri.C.Balakrishna Menon, Smt. Leela, Sri.Thankamma Alwin, Sri.Sukumaran, Sri Induchoodan, and Sri T M Radhakrishnan joined the department during 1950s. Sri.K,A. Varghese was the Head of the department for some years. Then came Mrs. Ummen, Prabhakaran Pillai, to the department as teachers.  The list of dedicated and sincere faculties continues…..  

          The department is now completing  95 years of glorious service and is still stocked with a team of dedicated teachers and nonteaching staff, working tireless, to serve the hundreds of youngsters reaching the department in search of knowledge.